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Writer's pictureDarin Conway

God's Word ( The Holy Bible)

Updated: Sep 12, 2020


How I got the idea and what it means:

This piece was created and imagined from a video I saw on the internet. In the video there was a guy on a college campus, he set a booth where he placed two books. One was the Bible and the other was the Communist Manifesto. He asked random students if they had read the literature and what they thought. To my disbelief many said the Bible was bad and some said the Communist Manifesto was better for society than the Bible.

The picture above displays faces on a mannequin which represent the students of different ethnic groups. The faces with the black rectangles is a picture from “The voices of the Martyrs.” Which represents an Evangelist preaching the word of God to men in the Middle East. Their identity could not be shown because they would have been killed for listening to someone preach from the Word of God. The preacher would have been tortured again. YES AGAIN! Many people from the Middle East must read the Bible in hiding because the penalty is punishable by death. In the photograph below there is a women wearing Khimar. The word “Khimar” refers to a piece of cloth that covers the head, or headscarf.

This picture portrays a woman reading the Bible by candlelight in a desolate place. Yet college kids in American think the Bible is bad. Why would so many take such a risk you might ask? It’s because of the impact the Bible has on peoples lives. No other book has had such a life changing power. Millions of people, over thousands of years, have proved by personal experience that the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandments of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.

Put Away the Old

This picture was inspired by a photograph I saw on Pinterest but it was part of a sermon that brought the picture to life. "Put away the old and start taking advantage of the new." Meaning – there is a vast amount of information on the internet. If I didn’t think the Bible was God’s word or it wasn’t valid, I would do all the research I could to find out its validity, because the life after this one would make it well worth my time.

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