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Writer's pictureDarin Conway

2 Far (Full Moon Pages 6&7)

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

(Past, Present, & Future)

We Must Accept Circumstances of Life According to God's Will

A meek and humble person will accept persecution, mistreatment, suffering or hardship without rebelling against God and without doubting His wisdom. We will accept the fact that He has chosen to allow this to happen for His good purposes.

Example of Jesus:

Matthew 26:39 - Was it hard for Jesus to go to the slaughter? Did it take meekness? Jesus said, "Not my will but thine be done."

Philippians 2:8 - Jesus left the glory of heaven, humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death on the cross. Consider how much humility and meekness would be required for one to willingly leave the glory of Heaven to come to earth to live as a man and die as a criminal to save others. Click HERE for a medical explanation of what it was like for Jesus to be crucified on a cross.

A MONTH LATER (Wednesday Oct. 19, 1994)

I remember looking at the Full Moon, turning and looking the other direction at the deep dark sky towards Heaven and shouting, “God Please.”

“I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Revelation 6:12-14

There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. Luke 21:11 (People are so busy focusing on Covid-19 that they're missing the signs)

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? Romans 8:35

Oct 19, 1994

I walked back inside the house and locked the door behind me, which I rarely ever did. Then I turned on the TV hoping I could focus on something other than the events that kept me in twined with evil. I sat on the couch and stared at the TV, but it was as if the TV wasn’t even on. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the evil things that people do to each other and who’s capable of doing such evil. The deep thoughts I was having was interrupted by the sheer evil that the whole world lived in day by day by a newscaster broadcasting a story just as horrific as the one a crossed the street. I knew I had to ease my thoughts, so I turned off the TV and started writing. I wrote until I came up with meaning.

But what I came up with was meaningless. I was ignorant because I didn’t know that the evil one is the ruler of this world. Many believers are surprised to discover that the kingdom of this world at present does not belong to Christ, that it is not under His authority. Rather, it belongs to Satan (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11.) Jesus refers to Satan’s kingdom in Matthew 12:26. God obviously has ultimate authority over this world and all that happens in it, but in His purpose, He has allowed Satan to have dominion over this world at present. It is the removal of Satan’s kingdom and the establishment of Christ’s kingdom which is the end result of the Book of Revelation. ETCN/Vol3Pg3

I have known Greg since I was a little boy and his actions were such that I never would have imagined until it was told to me as I have told it to you. His thoughts, evil desires that originated from magazines read, videos watched and finally recording Stephanie in her everyday life, lead to the final frame of that horrible crime. It became the day that was to become my worst fear. My own self because it was a reflection of what can happen in my own life, with the evil thoughts that I would dwell upon daily.

Rage - a person full of rage is a person dominated by hatred.

Sometimes we need our feeling validated- so we can think we are normal, and we don't feel so different. Sympathize and understand, because we have a need to be understood.

In the secular mental health field/and in educational systems what we try to do to fix these issues is to try to convince the person that they are inherently good and worthy and give them situations that empower them and make them feel successful. PROBLEM… deep down they know they are not good but evil (as we all are!)

The Bible teaches that man consist of both body and spirit and is created in the image of God; our culture assumes that he is purely material, the product of mindless purposeless forces. The Bible says that man has rebelled against God and fallen from his original since of innocence; contemporary thought maintains that he is “basically good” The Bible affirms man’s need for divine grace, redemption, and regeneration; popular thinking asserts that “self-actualization” is the key to happiness and fulfillment.


No! Get in touch with the inner man…let him flourish…if you let him guide your life, you will be healthy, fruitful and happy.

This is self-actualization and the consequences are huge…

LUKE 18:9-14

A Pharisee trusted in himself that he was righteous, prayed with himself, thanking God he was better than other people. Note the Pharisee's emphasis on self, exaltation of self, and his failure to see his sins.

The Publican pleaded for mercy admitting he was a sinner. Note the conclusions in v14 - One who exalts self will be abased, one who humbles self will be exalted! Humility is the opposite of self-exaltation and self-righteousness.

Carl Rogers/Evil

“For myself, though I am very well aware of the incredible amount of destructive, cruel, malevolent behavior in today’s world-from the threats of war to the senseless violence in the streets-I do not find that this evil is inherent in human nature.”

The Logical Question

If evil doesn’t come from human nature, then where does it come from?

“The law of nature is that which God at the time of creation of the nature of man infused into his heart, for his preservation and direction…the moral law, called also the law of nature.”

2 Chronicles 12:14

He did evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the LORD.

Romans 13

Purpose of the Civil Magistrate

1) Punish evil

2) Condone good

The civil authority must know the basis for calling something good or evil.

Revelation 9:1-12 The Fifth Trumpet

Think of the fifth trumpet this way– as if every prison in the world threw open its doors and set free the vilest offenders known to man. That's what the fifth trumpet releases–only the doors are the doors to hell and the offenders are demonic instead of human.


…sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in the way of death came to all men, because all have sinned.

Romans 5:12

The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.

Genesis 6:5

Verses ( Jer 17:9),(Rom 3:23), (1 John 1:8)

The potential to do or think evil is in all of us… we are born with it… and the more extreme evil we are exposed to, the more extreme evil we will want to pursue. We live in a Very Evil distorted world and young people are being exposed to a variety of evil deeds at a younger and younger age.

If we are inherently evil then, do we have any worth and what is God's view of us?

God's perspective on our worth.

God created us in His image. What does that mean?

Gen. 1:26 (Study the attributes of God.)

Without the introduction of sin into this world there would be no issues of self-esteem, it is the result of a fallen world.

God's view of us

John 3:16... God loves us... A LOT! AGAPE, unconditionally! He sent His son to die for us, while we were still sinners.

Our identity in Christ "We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin." Romans 6:6

"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."

God has chosen us to do His work in this world. But he does not choose perfect people, he wants to use us in our imperfections, so that He gets the glory and we do not become PROUD.

Over the years I have tried to make it look like I had it all together but I didn't. I have come to realize that God uses me more when I am vulnerable and I humble myself before Him. Like I did the end of last year December 2019. People are drawn to perfectionist , they are intimidated by them. And when I do something for God that I feel ill equipped to do. He gets the credit, not me! I don't get proud, I feel honored to be used by God to do His will and I feel GOOD that God feels fit to use even me.

For instance putting this blog together. This is the part that I wanted to be the climax of my bibliography, but I wasn’t able to write it, it was too painful, I lost my mother in March 2010. With all the information that I had collected over the years, I was getting overwhelmed. I had no idea what direction to go or how I was going to incorporate the way God transformed me into the man I am today.

Now, I’m a stay home dad trying to figure out how to write the part of the story I couldn’t nine years ago. There are somedays that I am going through my notes, potty training my two year old daughter Leeda and wrestling with my son Logan all at the same time, but I am still reaching my goal of getting a blog out once a month. Why? Because of God ‘s perfect timing and so that HE gets the glory because this blog/website wouldn’t be at all possible if it wasn’t for HIM.

Humility, true Godly humility is a daily battle. It is the knowledge and real understanding that we are worth, great significance in this world but that our worth is firmly founded only on HIM and not ourselves. We do not need to be perfect or pretty/handsome, thin, smart, athletic…all these things the world says makes us O.K. and makes us proud. We just have to know He loves us, uses us, and that with Him, we can do all things. Then we can be …

Phil 4:11 Content

Titus 3:2 Gentle

Blessed: God gives Grace to the Humble, 1 Peter 5:5

Colossians 3:12 Kind, Forgiving


This was taken from a folder called ACHIEVEMENTS

GOD LIKE Psalms 113:6…CHRIST LIKE Phil 2:8

James 1:21-25 - Meekness towards God's word requires putting away filth and wickedness. Be doers of the word, not just hearers. But most importantly it is trying to be more like Christ every day.

In closing, I will never forget the words my mother said to me one day in March 2010, " Darin, it's not about how far you have to go, it's how far you have come." My mother, Donna Lee Conway died that year but because of God's word, I know I will meet her in Heaven someday. God bless

To Meet in Heaven

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