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Writer's pictureDarin Conway

2 Far/Theory of Intelligence (Part 1)

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

CLASS OF 2020/Tolland Ct.

For all the teenagers who weren’t able to celebrate their graduation like me in years past, my heart goes out to you. I remember how I felt thirty years ago when I was home, while my 1990 graduating class received their diploma and graduated without me. The circumstances were much different, but I can relate. I truly wish I had a different attitude about school and worked hard to learn the fundamentals that would have better prepared me for the real world. I have struggled for many years because I didn't take school seriously. Prayerfully this will help those who have had the same struggles, or they weren't able to get the education they should of gotten, due to the pandemic.

Chapter One, Pages 12 & 13 - Bibliography of Darin Conway (To Far)

It's sad to say, but I figured out that if I wasn't the youngest of three, I don't think I would be having the problems that I am dealing with now. Being the youngest, I received more attention from my mother than my brother Russ, who was the oldest and my sister, Penny.

When my brother and sister started going to school, and my father went to work, it was just my mom and I. I loved having my mother all to myself and getting all the attention. I did everything that my mother asked me to do and we had a great relationship.

When my mother was still alive, she would tell me how much of a good boy I was, until I started school. I didn't get the attention from my kindergarten teacher that I was used to getting from my mother, but it wasn't like I started misbehaving for attention. It just happened that way, because I couldn't sit still in class.

I noticed the attention that I got from my behavior. This caused me to get in more trouble both at home and in school. My mother, brother and sister were always trying to keep me out of trouble because my father was very observant and didn't miss a thing.

The older I got, the harder my father was on me. This in turn, caused my mother to make everything easier on me. My mother loved me so much, that she would do anything to keep me out of trouble. My father also loved me very much and that's why he was so hard on me. My father would emphasize the importance of never giving up and doing everything to the best of my ability and that this was his reason for being so hard on me. But he knew that someday, all the bad habits that were becoming a routine with me, were going to catch up with me.

Instead of listening to my father, I began hating him for my own selfish reasons. I would cling to my mother's side and take her for every ounce of love I could get out of her. I loved it when my mom would come to my rescue, when she felt my father was being too hard on me.

I knew that I caused a lot of friction between my parents, but I enjoyed it. The more they fought about me, the more I thought my father would leave me alone, but he didn’t. It became a never-ending battle between my parents. My mother became the easy way out for everything. When my mother would give me chores to do; for instance, wash the dishes, I wouldn't do them properly. Therefore, I wouldn't have to do them anymore. When I didn't want to spend the time trying to figure out my homework from school, I would ask my mother for help and she would do it for me. When I wanted something, and my father told me no, I would plead with my mother so she would confront my father to try and change his mind. But all that ever did was cause their marriage to deteriorate even more.

My parents got separated in 1992 and part of the reason was because of me.

When my father got transferred as a correctional officer from Comstock Prison to a prison in Rome, N.Y., he became a weekend father. Nothing was stopping me from doing what I wanted to do now.

I took every shortcut there was, and I was treating my mother worse and worse. I was 16 at the time and, taking the easy way out was the only way I knew. My mother continued to let me take advantage of her. Living the way of the world became easier than serving God. Cheating in school became easier than studying and learning. Stealing from my family became easier than working for my own money. Violence became easier than holding in all the pain that was caused by what other people had done to me. Hating my father became easiest of all, but he never gave up on me. He knew the day would come when I would realize how much I was hurting myself by taking the easy way out.

When that day did come, I became angry with my mother for being so easy on me, but then I remembered the day when she asked me to forgive her because she said it was her fault for the way my life was turning out. I remember forgiving my mother but it wasn't sincere because I knew deep down inside, that it wasn't her fault, but I didn't want to face the truth, so I ignored what she had to say to me until this day, because I didn't want to face who I was and how I took advantage of her love for so many years. I felt so ashamed for what I had done on a day-to-day basis.

My sister used to ask me, “Don't you feel guilty for the way you treat mom?” I would tell her I treat mom fine and for her not to worry about what I do. I hated it when my family got into my business. I just wanted to live my life the way I chose to live it and have everyone else leave me alone.

“You're cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and his way.” James 4: 4

Chapter two, Page one.

May 15, 2002

Each one of us has three things in common. We are born, we live, and then we die. During the “living", we are, as a pen, writing a story called, "Life". No one knows the twists and turns of what may take place in each chapter of our lives, but God.

In Psalms139: 15,16 says, “My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in a secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

I never gave my life much thought when I was a boy, or a teenager for that matter. When I was a boy, I was too busy playing. When I became a teenager, all I wanted to do was party with my friends. When I was asked what my plans were after I graduated, I would say, "Get a good job, get married, and build a log cabin out in the country."

King David states in Proverbs 16: 9 “In my heart I planned my course, but the Lord determined my steps.”

Age 5 - Kindergarten – I got picked on for having to repeat another year, but over the years I realized I wasn’t as mature as the other kids my age, so it didn’t bother me that much.

Age 6 – As a result of me being held back, my second year of kindergarten went much better. I didn’t have to go to the principal’s office for fighting that year, which I knew made my parents very happy.

Age 7 - First Grade (Don’t remember much about first grade)

Age 8 - I went to a Private school (TCA) Truthville Christian Academy, along with my brother Russ and my sister Penny. I was there from 2nd to 5th grade. My brother and sister went back to a public school, Granville High School after spending three years at TCA. During that time, I learned that I wasn’t able to comprehend as well as my classmates,but I didn’t think anything of it because I was doing the same work as my classmates.

Believe it or not but many schools, teachers, and entire education systems, persist in the view that a child is either intelligent or not, and moreover that the 'intelligent' kids are 'good’, and the 'unintelligent' kids are 'bad'. Worse still many children grow up being told that they are not intelligent and are therefore not of great worth; (the "you'll never amount to anything" syndrome is everywhere). Howard Gardner

Age 12 – My parents allowed me to go back to public school in sixth grade. (Granville Elementary School) It was there that I realized I was different from my brother and sister. I was put in a math and reading class that was non regents. Two incidents happened that year that I am still feeling the effects from.

The first one – I was humiliated by my English teacher because I couldn’t answer his question after reading a paragraph from the book we were assigned.

Second one – I got beat up by 2 eighth grade boys walking home from school because they wanted to impress some girls from my class. Then I had to perform in a Christmas Concert as an elf with a black eye and a fat lip lol

Age 13 –I started my 7th grade year at Granville High School, which was across the street from the elementary school and the same school my brother and sister had been attending for two years. I barely passed that year, I was often compared to my brother and sister by other students. Negative comment after negative comment really took its toll on me, especially as I got older. Sitting still and paying attention in school was difficult for me, eventually I was diagnosed with ADHD.

Age 14 – Because of my grades I had to stop playing sports, and as a result I picked up bad habits such as smoking cigarettes and stealing. I remember feeling embarrassed because I would forget so often that I had to see a psychiatrist, even more than that I felt angry because my father didn’t believe that someone could be so forgetful, he thought I was doing it on purpose. The psychiatrist diagnosed me with Short Term Memory, his recommendation to my parents was this – if there were more than a couple of steps for me to remember they would have to write it down so I wouldn’t forget. In the same year I failed Math and Social Studies, but I ended up taking Social Studies over that summer so I could go into the 9th grade that fall, however I had to retake 8th Grade Math.

Age 15 - 9th grade I was kicked out of school, and I failed 8th grade Math for the second time

First year back at TCA

9th – 11th Grade – Went back to (TCA) Truthville Christian Academy and did 3 years in 2. (I took advantage of my teachers trust and cheated the whole time I was there)

My first year back to TCA was a blast. As long as I got my work done, I was out every Friday by 10:30. By the time I was 17 years old my high school career consisted of cheating and misbehaving so much that I was told by my teacher that I could leave early every day the following year.

Age 18 - I ended up going back to Granville High School the following year so that I could graduate with my class of 1990.


Why is it that people refuse to submit to laws or want to loot and destroy other peoples property? Why cheat on taxes or in school? Why disobey speed laws, ect.? Because we don’t want to do what the law says, we want to do what we want. We are self-willed, unwilling to deny self. What qualities do we need so we can avoid these attitudes? We need meekness and humility – willingness to set aside our will and submit to the will of the rulers or anyone in authority. But there is one sin that is at the root of all the problems we struggle with in life. That sin is pride. If we could somehow disconnect ourselves from the sin and the power of pride, our lives would instantly be better. Every single sinful thought and act in our life is in one way or another connected to pride. Every single area of disobedience in our life is connected to pride.

Satan was originally created as one of the most beautiful and powerful angels in Heaven. This powerful angel became arrogantly infatuated with himself. He chafed at having to serve God and grew angry and rebellious. He did not want to serve, he wanted to be served; he, as a creature, wanted to be worshipped. In other words, pride took a hold of him. He wanted others to glory in him, and not God. It was pride that caused Satan's fall and subsequent condemnation. Look at the statements of Satan in the passage on the right. Note how many times Satan says, "I will." How many times has, "I will..." led us into self destructive behaviors?

( Pathway to life Module 2 - The problem of Pride) Tim Vamosi

Graduation day (1990) AGE 19

I will never forget the feeling of sitting home alone, while my senior class of 1990 was attending their graduation ceremony without me. I could only imagine what it must have felt like to be called down to the podium to pick up my diploma with everyone clapping and cheering. I got a slight feeling of what that day might have felt like the day before, when the whole senior class and I walked down the hallway towards the front of the school for a group picture in our graduation gowns.

I felt proud and relieved, because I had finally made it. As I walked by my Art teacher, Mr. Maguire, who was standing outside his classroom door, all my happiness and relief was destroyed because of the way he looked at me. As soon as I took my eyes off him, I told my friend Roger that Mr. Maguire had failed me. He asked, "How do you know?” I replied, “Because of the way he looked at me."

He told me not to worry about it, but I couldn't. I knew he had every right to fail me and since this was his first year of teaching at Granville High, He may have had something to prove. I figured what better example to use than failing a senior who didn't take his class seriously. Art class was the first period of the day and I would always show up late. I didn't take the class seriously until mid-term. This is when my counselor told me that I needed the half a credit providing I passed his class in order to graduate. I thought the only reason I was taking his class was, so I didn't have to take another study hall. I knew after the first day of Art class that I wasn't going to put much effort in to it, mainly because I didn't like Mr. Maguire.

After the Guidance Counselor told me the news, I didn't waste any time. I apologized to Mr. Maguire for my behavior and asked him if there was anything I could do to improve my grade. He told me I could try to improve my lack of effort, but he wasn't going to promise me anything. From that point until the end of the school year, I made sure I got to his class on time and participated. I even did a few projects for extra credit, but it wasn't enough. I failed myself by three points. I was very disappointed along with my family, but I cheered my family and myself up by reassuring them that I wasn't going to give up. I was too close to be graduating to give up now.

Side note – My guidance counselor told me, I wasn’t college material and that I should consider going into the military and I believed him.

In May of 2017, I graduated from Manchester Community College with a double major and made the Dean’s list 4 times. Thank you, Lord because I couldn't have done it with out You!

Judges Chapter 6

The Lord’s estimation of us often differs from our own. God saw Gideon as a “might man of valor” Gideon saw himself if as weak and little (see Judg. 6:15). When we believe God and not ourselves, we become what He says we are.


Click HERE to listen to entire sermon

If you focus on negative things, you will become negative. If you focus on sensual things, you will become sensual. If you focus on materialistic things, you will become materialistic. What ever you and I focus on the most, that is what we become. (see John 1:11)

I promised my parents that I would go back to school and get my diploma. In return for my efforts, my father gave me his car; as promised, for my graduation present. My parents also surprised me with another pre-graduation present, which was a plane ticket to Hawaii to visit my brother Russ. He was in the Air Force and stationed there. My parents decided to go along with my graduation party because it was too late to cancel. I played the part of having graduated and everything went fine. I will never forget the poem my mother wrote for everyone to read who attended my graduation party.

Unfortunately, I didn’t seek God’s way until I was 31 years old. He had already saved me in 1994 and helped me get out of the deep hole that I was in, but I didn’t give Him the credit He deserved. Although I made some changes in my life that would help me in my walk, I wasn’t seeking Him.

Let me say to you, "Hitting rock bottom is the very best day of your life!" If it opens your eyes to your need of the Lord, it's a great day. If rock bottom saves you from yourself, if it forces you to get honest about your life, if it shatters your pride and you humbly begin to seek the Lord, you've finally arrived at a place where real transformation can begin. Sometimes we don't learn until we hit rock bottom. But no matter the timing, it's one of life's most important lessons. ( The problem of Pride)

Pride Is The Ultimate Gateway Drug.

Every once in a while, we will hear someone talking about "gateway drugs." Defined simply, a gateway drug is a substance that leads a person into the use of other more dangerous and addictive substances. Statistically it has been proven that if a kid uses tobacco, alcohol, or marijuana he/she is far more likely to advance into using cocaine, opioids, or heroin as they age. Once a kid starts smoking, it's a small step to move from smoking cigarettes to smoking marijuana. Once a person starts smoking weed, it's a small step to using alcohol and cocaine. From there is just one small step after another until a person is hopelessly addicted.

(The problem of Pride)

Painted & written in Winter of 1994

Of course, the process isn't true for everyone's but it undoubtedly happens repeatedly. One substance"give us permission" to move on to the next. The thing that is seldom addressed how is what starts this step-by-step process in the first place. Human pride. Why does a person start using at all? It's pride that says, "I deserve a good time." (The problem of Pride)

I was 40 years old when I would have to say, I was a drinker again. I was courting my wife at the time and she introduced me to Moscato, a sweat delicious wine that we had when we went out to eat one night. But that one night turned into a routine because I deserved to have a drink every once in awhile and for awhile that was the only time I drank. After I quit smoking cigarettes July 3rd 2012, I felt the urge to drink a little bit more.

There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience – and that is not learning from experience. Life is a journey, not a destination. It is through that journey that we are born, broken, changed and shaped. God is big on learning the lesson of life because life is His chosen classroom through which He teaches His Chidren His truth. One of the first and most vital truths we need to learn in our walk with God is obedience. Charles F. Stanley

March 16, 2013

Shortly after Briana and I got married in 2013, we paid for the decisions I made after I got out of the Navy in 2012 and moved to CT. The direction of my life didn’t go as planned and the decisions I made before and after Briana and I got married was taken a toll on our marriage. It seemed like we were always fighting, and my wife told me she wished she never re-introducing alcohol back into my life.

I didn’t think anything of it until I hurt my back in the Spring of 2018, a month after my daughter Leeda was born. My wife was in Virginia with her parents who were helping her with the kids so I could make some extra money working for my best friend Tommy in Maine. I had lost a lot of weight so I thought my back would be ok to do some foundation work for a weekend. Boy was I wrong! By the time I got back home, I was in so much pain that I went to the doctor and he prescribed Oxycodone, which was much stronger than the medication I was prescribed the year prior when I had surgery on my neck. I had heard stories about Oxycodone, and I knew that I had an addictive personality, so I only took 1 or 2 pills a day. Thankfully I was able to recover from my back pain, and the timing couldn’t have been better, especially because of all the traveling I knew that I would have to do in a couple of weeks. I drove back to Maine to pick up a Caravan- then VA – to pick up Briana and Leeda – Then to MS – to visit family and rest – Then to Kansas – our final destination – for Briana’s sister’s wedding.

Two days before Devon's wedding

Our final destination,

The place we were staying had a full bar and I took full advantage of it because I was under a lot of stress, anxiety, and my back started hurting again from all the traveling I did. And even though there was plenty of people there watching my kids, I kept it under control until the wedding. I tried to keep my drinking on a tight rein because I was being paid to photograph the wedding, but I starting to feel the effects of carrying my gear around for 2 days before the big day. By the end of the night I was intoxicated which was wrong in so many ways. For one, I was being paid to photograph the wedding but most of all it was another step of drifting further away from God because the drinking continued and got worse when I got home.

By the end of fall 2019, I was doing everything I could to hold it together. I wasn’t able to get anymore Oxycodone after my prescription was finished. Thankfully with God’s help I was able to practice enough self-control not to want to purchase the medicine illegally. As an alternative to the Oxycodone, I tried smoking marijuana a few times for the pain and a few times for pleasure but realized the THC was to potent, so I stopped. Besides I was a stay home dad and I needed my wits and I was supposed to be a man of God. I chose CDC to help with the pain, stress and anxiety but I wasn’t getting any better. Alcohol and CDC were just an added expense that we couldn’t afford but, in my mind, it was better than nothing. I had to stop going to the VA because we couldn’t afford a babysitter or co-payments, so I smoked my CDC and started drinking grain alcohol 190 proof every night because I was in so much pain.

Why is this part of my story you might ask? Because it ties into a sermon, I heard a couple of weeks ago on how the routines and choices I made when I was teenager can dictate where my life could potentially end up, no matter any age. Last year, my life could have changed dramatically, if I had really lost control one night when my wife and I got into an argument. I know my drinking made it go as far as it did because my self-control was diluted from substance abuse and my anger was fueled by it. That night didn’t change me like I did when I was 31 because I’m not even close to being the same kind of person I was back then. But it made me realize I needed to stop reaching for the bottle and start reaching for my Bible again.

Audio Biography in 5 short chapters.

Never in my life did I ever think that I would be so close to ending up where I was in 1994. Thank you Lord from saving me from Chapter 1 and helping me find

the road back to YOU!


“God’s gracious Word can make you into what He wants you to be and give you everything you could possibly need.” Act 20:32

Click HERE to listen to the entire sermon

What happened to me was in 2019 can happen to anyone but it doesn’t have to. I am certain there are many people reaching for the same spirit I did, because of the events that have happened this year. But I can assure you, it can and will lead you down a road far worse than it would be if you reached for the Bible and started reading God’s word.


My breaking point began a few years ago and by the end of last year I had reached my limit. It’s hard to put in words how thankful I am for God’s grace because He interceded and put me back on track. This journey began in Virginia over the Christmas Holiday by accepting a sincere apology and asking for forgiveness. Not to long after returning home I began attending Friday night Bible study at my church called, Pathway to Life Recovery Group. Around the same time during the month of February my wife and I committed to doing a Daniels Fast for 28 days. A few of the lessons that my Pastor focused on were anger and forgiveness. These eye openings lessons were convicting but vital for my own road to deliverance.

Click HERE to learn how God can work in your life if you reach for the right Spirit


In the beginning of the sermon Pastor G Craig Lewis talks about people asking him questions over email and some of the question were whether or not they could smoke, drink or even listen to secular music.

He answered the question by asking, “Why do Christians need or desire any of these things?”

He told his congregation that those substances were just substitutes for what God can do for you, and that those who were doing those things weren’t willing to yield to God.

Side note – July 2nd was the 183rd day of the year, which was the halfway point and ever since Briana and I started yielding to God, the blessings He has bestowed on our family are just truly amazing. Thank you, LORD!

Later on in Pastor G’s sermon he stated, “If you journaled every time you needed a smoke, or a drink there’s a pattern. Whether it be a certain environment, circumstance or feeling that comes over you, you try to mask a deeper issue by abusing drugs or alcohol.

If you claim to be a Christian, you are contradicting God every time you are reaching for another spirit. We are basically saying God can’t solve our problems.

Repent and change – join me in wanting to be close enough to God so you will feel like you don’t need something else.

Knowing the patterns in your life, will help you win the battle.

This is the part of the sermon that really got my attention because there is a pattern when it comes to me making really bad decisions and reaching for other spirits. It started when I was a teenager and I’ve never grown out of it, but I didn’t know it was a pattern until a couple weeks ago. I know my confidence is much higher than what it was when I was in high school, but I still feel like there are a lot of matters I still struggle with because of my short-term memory, and the fact that I still struggle with comprehending everything I read. I truly wish I was smarter than what I am because I believe my life would be easier but then I wouldn't have to rely on God aa much as I do. I just hate the feeling of thinking I am going to fail at every thing I do, and never succeed.

I know I shouldn’t, but I still compare myself to other people which puts a hindrance on the confidence God has given me over the years. I’ve done it since I was a young boy because of my older brother who I admired my whole life. I wasn't jealous of him, but I was jealous of the relationship he had with my father because I never saw my father look at me like he did my brother. I always knew my brother loved me because of his actions. I wanted to believe my father loved me, but some of his actions usually told me something completely different.

Over the years I became angry with God for making me the way He did because I hated the person I was. I still hate the fact that I believed people when they said I had a weak mind and a strong back because I’m half the man I used to be. I just hate feeling like I need to use my mind instead of my strength to contribute with helping out with the financial burden of raising a family. I hated being told I was stupid. I hated being told I was nothing like my sister or brother. I hated being picked on because I looked like a girl and being called pretty boy, mama’s boy and faggot. I hated the bullies who would punch me in the face for no reason. I hated my father for not loving me like he did my brother. I hated the fact that my father told me I would end up dead or in jail before I graduated if I didn’t change my attitude. I hated it when my father told me he loved me, but he didn’t like me. I hated how he would watch me like a hawk and wouldn’t let me breath. I hated feeling like he probably wished I was never born because he already got the son he wanted.. I hate the fact that I didn’t listen to my father when he told me I was too rough on my body and I would pay for it when I got older because he was right. I guess I believed him when he said I would die at a young age, so it really didn’t matter back then. I truly never thought I would live as long as I have.

Self esteem

People with no internal sense of self-worth, usually due to parental rejection/abuse/trauma. Their choices perpetuate their feelings of worthlessness, i.e. they give up on themselves easily, put oneself down, make poor choices of friends, bf/gf, they will do anything to be liked or accepted and lose their self-respect or the respect of others (their need for validation of their significance makes them vulnerable to negative influences and abuse: they are unable to set good limits and get their needs met in relationships. Their neediness makes them seek positive or negative attention and they will create drama rather than be bored or ignored.

Many seek to feel o.k. about themselves by their physical attributes or gifts, accomplishments.

1) I am o.k. because…looks, grades, athletics, friends, bf/gf, Christian service or spiritual gifts, hair… some even fall into being a perfectionist!

2) The flip side of this…I am NOT o.k. if… i.e. I have a bad hair day… (parents too… some comes over and my house is a mess…)

3) Problem with this…these things are temporary (i.e – esp. hair)

These things become false idols

Pride (which cometh before the fall)

They can lead to “love of man” issues (Jer 17:5)

It is not a Godly perspective

(The problem of Pride)

Click HERE if you would like to read what I wrote about this art show in 2017

I've always wanted to put on my own art show and over Memorial weekend in 2017 I did and I did it for all the wrong reasons. Even though the message was clear, my intentions were not. I wanted to be lifted up because of what I could do, instead of giving God the glory like I should have. The money it cost to be able to do this art show wasn't worth the consequences, because I didn't get the results I was hoping for. It's embarrassing to say, but I thought God would open doors for me so that I could be lifted up even more.

You can conceal your thoughts, actions and emotions from your family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and strangers. Some psychologists say you can even hide things from yourself. But you can conceal nothing from God. You can run and hide, but He is with you. You can pretend you are someone or something else, but He knows exactly what is going on. He knows what you need and what you desire, He knows what plagues your thoughts and touches your heart. God knows you and He wants us to have a intimate relationship with HIM! Charles F. Stanley

I have learned that humility, true God'y humility is a daily battle. It is the knowledge and understanding that we have worth, great significance in this world but that our worth is firmly founded only in HIM and not of ourselves. We do not need to be perfect, pretty/handsome, thin, smart, athletic... all the things the world says makes us O.K. and makes us proud. We just have to know He loves us, uses us, and that with HIM, we can do all things.

We need a sense of competence. Meaning we need to know for certain that we can accomplish what God puts before us. A lack of confidence in His power and provision in our lives can be devastating.

I’ve done my research on intelligence over the years because I never understood why God made my brother and I so different, especially when I tried so hard to be just like him

Why is he so good at Math and I’m not?

Why is he so good at sports and I’m not?

Why is he so smart and is self-sufficient and I’m not?

Why does he have a sense of direction and I don’t?

Why did he get along with our father, but I didn’t?

The Theory of Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gardner explains a lot of the reasons, but not all of them.

My brother Russ Conway - has Logical-mathematical intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence and Interpersonal intelligence. I may be wrong because I am not my brother, but this is what I think and why.

Logical-mathematical intelligence consists of detecting patterns, analyzing problems, scientific reasoning and deduction; performing mathematical calculations, and the understanding of relationships between cause and effect towards a tangible outcome or result. This intelligence is often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking. It also describes my brother because he is a math teacher.

Typical roles are scientists, engineers, computer experts, accountants, statisticians, analysts, traders, banker’s insurance brokers, researchers, negotiators, dealmakers, trouble-shooters, bookmakers, and directors.

Related tasks are able to perform a mental arithmetic calculation; analyze how a machine works; create a process; devise a strategy to achieve an aim; create a process to measure something difficult; assess the value of a business or a proposition.

Musical intelligence involves awareness, recognition of tonal and rhythmic patterns, understands relationship between sound and feeling, appreciation and use of sound. According to Howard Gardner musical intelligence runs in an almost structural parallel to linguistic intelligence. I don’t think this applies to my brother because I don’t think he has linguistic intelligence.

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence entails the potential of using one’s whole body or parts of the body to solve problems. It is the ability to use mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements. Howard Gardner sees mental and physical activity as related.

Other descriptions of this type of intelligence are manual dexterity, physical agility and balance; eye and body coordination.

Russ – Physical agility and balance; eye and body coordination

Darin – eye and body coordination

Russ Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people and relate to others by having a perception of other people’s feelings. It allows people to work effectively with others. Educators, salespeople, religious and political leaders and counselors all need a well-developed interpersonal intelligence.


Intrapersonal intelligence entails the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one’s feelings, fears and motivations, one's relationship to others and the world, and one's own need for, and reaction to change In Howard Gardner’s view it involves having an effective working model of ourselves, and to be able to use such information to regulate our lives.

Spatial intelligence - visual and spatial perception; interpretation and creation of visual images; pictorial imagination and expression; understands relationship between images and meanings, and between space and effect.

Typical roles of Spatial Intelligence are artists, designers, inventors, cartoonists, architects, photographers, visionaries, sculptors, story-boarders, town-planners, engineers, cosmetics and beauty consultants.

When it comes to personal intelligences, Gardner believes you can’t have one without the other. I believe everyone has a unique blend of intelligences and no two people are the same. However, Gardner argues that the big challenge facing the deployment of human resources ‘is how to best take advantage of the uniqueness conferred on us as a species exhibiting several intelligences. These intelligences, according to Gardner, are amoral – they can be put to constructive or destructive use.


Typical roles for Intrapersonal intelligence are therapists, HR professionals, mediators, leaders, counselors, politicians, educators, sales-people, clergy, psychologists, teachers, doctors, healers, organizers, careers, advertising professionals, coaches and mentors; (there is clear association between this type of intelligence and what is now termed Emotional Intelligence (EQ) ( Howard Gardner)

EQ embraces two aspects of intelligence:

• Understanding yourself, your goals, intentions, responses, behavior and all.

• Understanding others, and their feelings.

Goleman identified the five 'domains' of EQ as:

1. Knowing your emotions.

2. Managing your own emotions.

3. Motivating yourself.

4. Recognizing and understanding other people's emotions.

5. Managing relationships, i.e., managing the emotions of others

Whoever is self-aware and involved in the process of changing personal thoughts, beliefs and behavior in relation to their situation, other people, their purpose and aims - in this respect there is a similarity to Maslow’s Self-Actualization level. – they can be put to constructive or destructive use. Hierarchy of needs SA Self Actualization –following and doing your inner desires Esteem – Self Respect, Autonomy, Status, Achievements, Recognition, Attention Social – Effect ion, Belonging, Acceptance, Friendship Safety – Security, protection from physical and emotional harm Physiological – Hunger, thirst, Shelter, Sex THE OL’ GARDEN LIE No! Get in touch with the inner man…let him flourish…if you let him guide your life, you will be healthy, fruitful and happy. (Truth Project/Dr. Del Tackett This is self-actualization and the consequences are huge because it’s not God plan for our lives. He wants us to be one with Him. E Pluribus Unum

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